Saturday, April 5, 2014


Dear world,

I was constantly disappointed by human being.


Saturday, March 1, 2014


Hari ni hari yang baik buat aku...Eh, dah kenapa pulak ko nih?

Al-kaedahnya..2 of my favourite persons datang melawat..Sorang datang jauh-jauh dari Victoria (jauh lah sangat flight sejam lebih sajork). Lagi sorang kawan baik dari Tassie yang dah lama tak datang sebab sibuk dengan kerja..

Pagi tadi jumpa hakak Bie ko, penulis blog dan kartun tersohor katanya...Lama tak jumpa rasa macam awkward pulak nak bercakap..Hiks..Anyways, tadi maintain cool sajork k. Kann..Memula brunch kat Salamanca..Nasib baik dorg sampai cepat..Kalau tak dah lama aku balik cepat-cepat...Mana tak nya, ko mampu org jalan kaki lagi cepat sampai dari orang naik kereta...Kejii sangat..

Pastu dah jenjalan bagai kat pasar tani tu, aku pun balik umah tumpang kawan..Takleh lambat sebab pukul 5 ada dinner ngan kawan..Nak shopping grocery lagi katanya...So dalam pukul 2 cemtuh aku dah cabut dari sana.

Al-kaedahnya, dalam kul 5 setengah tu, tetiber kawan baik lagi sorang call..Wow! Mula-mula macam tak percaya lak aku dia call..Ingatkan dia salah no ke apa..Rupa-rupanya dia kata nak datang melawat..Maka aku pun gigih lah menapak balik rumah..Menapak OK! Haha..Sila ambil tahu yg aku ni kuat menapak. Kuat lah sangat..

Bila sampai je kat rumah, tengok dia dah ada dalam kereta depan rumah..Rasa terharu sangat..Dah lama dia tak melawat..Rasa macam nak nangis pun ada..Serius tak percaya..Dah lah dia call pastu cakap nak jumpa lak tuh. Bak kata omputih senyum sampai ke telinga :P *Ini semua poyooooo!

Terima kasih tuhan kerana memberikan aku peluang berjumpa dengan mereka lagi..Harap-harap dapat berjumpa lagi di masa hadapan.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


Hey guys! Does anyone still reading my blog at all? Haha.

How are you? I hope you guys are fine. I am sorry that I did not update my blog for ages. I have been busy with family and friends since my trip back to overseas. Heaps of eating as well (LOL!) But now, I am back!

Anyway, I want to share this inspiring story with you guys. About a very nice person that I met here (not literally). I know this person in social networking site.

OK! Let's get straight to the point.

The person is so young yet he has a foster son. He is only 22 years old but he is willing to help some other unfortunate person and make him his foster son. Isn't that great? Who else can do that in that age? Myself? Eeeekk..To be honest I can't. I am so unreliable. Haha. I cant even take care of my cat at home (loser!). That person is so hard working that he does 2 jobs just to take care of himself and his son. That's really inspiring!

I don't think I have found this type of person back in my country (yet). It was my first time. I am inspired, of course.

Sometimes, I think that it is true that people here is more religious than the people of my religion (in my country). Yes, most of the time, they are. They are so well-mannered and kind. I found most of the things that has been told in The Book here, in this very western country.

Anyways, for the behalf of other human being, I would like to thank you. A really big thank you. I hope there are more people like him outside there.

I tribute this post to that guy and I called him Kindman.

That's all. :)

Will write more later.(I wish!)

See ya!